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Head of European Migration and Diversity and Senior Policy Analyst
Common European Asylum System, refugee law, migrants' integration, multiculturalism, politics of migration, EU citizens rights, free movement
Policy Analyst
Migration governance, climate change and migration, EU migration cooperation, EU funding, borders and technology, resettlement, refugee integration, think tank cooperation


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Migration / PODCAST

The New Pact on Migration: Some answers, more questions

The Commission has finally launched the New Pact on Migration. After years of gridlock, Commission Vice-President of Schinas and Commissioner Johansson seem confident that this set of proposals can bridge the gap between the member states and deliver real progress on EU migration reform.

Marie De Somer, Head of the EPC's Migration and Diversity programme, Olivia Sundberg Diez, EPC Policy Analyst, and Matthias Lücke, coordinator of the MEDAM project (Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration)assess the New Pact's strengths and weaknesses. What is it that is 'new' about this proposal? What are the chances that it will lead to actual reform? And can the new solidarity mechanism convince the more sceptical member states?

With Marie De Somer , Rebecca Castermans , Olivia Sundberg Diez , Matthias Lücke



Migration / BOOK
From Compromise to Implementation: A New Era for EU Migration Policy?
By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt , Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi , Philippe De Bruycker , Daniel Thym , Helena Hahn , Eleonora Milazzo , Andreina De Leo - 18/12/2024
Migration / COMMENTARY
A make-or-break moment for the common European asylum system?
By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt - 16/10/2024


Migration / ROUNDTABLE
Legal Clinic EU and Human Rights Law ""‘The EU Court of Justice's Case Law on Immigration: Moving beyond member state's policy preferences?’"
Marie De Somer spoke about judicial politics and the role of the EU Court of Justice in the area of immigration at a ‘Legal Clinic’ organized by the KU Leuven Law Faculty. The Legal Clinic targeted legal practitioners, academics and decision-makers.

16 February 2018 - Leuven, Belgium, Belgique/Belgie
KU Leuven Law Faculty
Migration / ROUNDTABLE
Judicialisation of European Migration Politics
Marie De Somer gave a guest lecture on the judicialisation of European migration politics to students followign the VUB's Euromaster programme.

25 April 2018 - Brussels, Belgium, Belgique/Belgie
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Publication Book "Precedents and Judicial Politics in EU Immigration law"

27 August 2018 - Cham, Switzerland,
Palgrave Macmillan
Migration / CONFERENCE
Migration in Europe, Problems and Remedies
Alberto Neidhardt gave a speech on the challenges of migration and asylum in Europe. He discussed policy responses and reform proposals of the recent past, and the likely future of the Common European Asylum System in the light of the nuanced results of the European Parliamentary Elections of May 2019.

30 May 2019 - Kaliningrad, Russia, Rossiya
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Immanuel Kant Federal Baltic University, Kaliningrad

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