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General Assembly

The General Assembly meets once a year to formally approve the annual accounts and adopt the budget for the year ahead, in line with Belgian law. Meetings of the General Assembly are prepared by the Governing Board, whose members also sit on the General Assembly.


Declan Kelleher
Chair of the EPC Governing Board; Former Permanent Representative of Ireland to the European Union
Audrey-Flore Ngomsik
CEO of Trianon Scientific Communication.
Poul Skytte Christoffersen
Former Ambassador of Denmark to Belgium; Former Permanent Representative of Denmark to the European Union
David O'Sullivan
Former EU Ambassador to the United States
Rachel Barlow
Associate Director, Public Affairs Europe, Oxford HR
Jacki Davis
Senior Adviser on Communications Strategy
Jim Cloos
Former Director General, General and Institutional Policy, Council of the European Union
Philippe de Buck
Senior Executive Advisor Hill+Knowlton Strategies; Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
Andrew Duff
President of the Spinelli Group, Former Member of the European Parliament
Susan Danger
CEO, Camino SD
George Pagoulatos
Professor of European Politics and Economy at the Department of International & European Economic Studies at Athens University of Economics & Business & Business and Vice-President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
Stefan Schäfers
Chief programme Officer at King Baudouin Foundation
Kersti Kaljulaid
Former President of Estonia
Nathalie Tocci
Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Special Advisor to HRVP Mogherini and Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen
Brieuc van Damme
CEO, King Baudouin Foundation


Fabian Zuleeg
Chief Executive, European Policy Centre

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