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  Sustainable Prosperity for Europe  

The Sustainable Prosperity for Europe (SPfE) Programme explores the foundations and drivers for achieving a sustainable, resilient and competitive European economy.

Prospering within the planetary boundaries requires rethinking our economic model, including our production and consumption patterns, as well as our energy, mobility and food systems. It requires addressing the climate emergency and environmental degradation, as well as becoming smarter with the resources we have. The transition to the world we want must bring both businesses and people along, if it is to succeed.

The Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Agenda provide the direction for travel globally and in Europe, and the SPfE Programme engages in a debate on the drivers and the means for achieving our goals. The Programme focuses on areas where working together across the EU can bring significant benefits to the member states, citizens and businesses and can ensure sustainable prosperity within the limits of this planet.


Towards sustainable and resilient agri-food system: What is the role for digitalisation?
By Stefan Sipka , Marialena Stagianni - 01/10/2024
Where exactly is the Green Deal in Europe’s new agenda?
By Brooke Moore , Johanna Härtner - 12/09/2024
Climate & energy / DISCUSSION PAPER
Empowering citizens in Europe’s green transition: The role of digital solutions
By Laura Rayner , Berta López Domènech , Brooke Moore , Eric Maurice - 25/06/2024
GD3 set the stage; COP29 will test the ability to act
By Brooke Moore - 14/06/2024
Climate & energy / COMMENTARY
Making the EU’s clean energy transition work
By Simon Dekeyrel , Brooke Moore - 24/04/2024


Future of Europe / PANEL DISCUSSION
Brussels, My Love? EU climate chief quits Brussels for national politics
Stefan Sipka participated Euronews' talk show "Brussels, my love?". The episode focused on the EU's climate plans after Frans Timmerman's departure and whether Spanish regional languages can become official EU languages. 

Watch the full episode here.

Brussels, My Love? EU climate chief quits Brussels for national politics
02 September 2023 - ,
Air pollution / ARTICLE
Clean air in the EU: the basis for healthier societies, social justice and sustainable prosperity
Annika Hedberg and Stefan Šipka wrote a blog post, published by the Clean Air Fund, on how to achieve cleaner air in Europe. The post is based on the EPC's Discussion Paper, "Towards a cleaner air in Europe: Time for a stronger vision and more action". 

Read the blog post here.

Clean air in the EU: the basis for healthier societies, social justice and sustainable prosperity
26 July 2023 - ,
Clean Air Fund
China / OP-ED
What China's gamble to back Moscow means for EU
Annika Hedberg wrote an op-ed for EUobserver on China's current approach to the war in Ukraine and its implications for EU-China relations.

Read the article here.

What China's gamble to back Moscow means for EU
03 March 2023 - ,

Mobility / PODCAST

Green mobility in Europe - with Lilyana Pavlova, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank
On the occasion of the European Mobility Week, our own Annika Hedberg (Head of the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe programme) and Stefan Sipka (policy analyst) talked to Vice-President Lilyana Pavlova of the European Investment Bank, the lending arm of the European Union, about the future of green mobility in Europe and the Union’s efforts to decarbonise transport in light of the EU Green Deal.

They discussed how making and encouraging the right investment decisions can drive the climate-neutral transformation of transport; the different actions the EU, and the EIB specifically, have already undertaken and what more could and should be done; and the unexpected ways the Coronacrisis has affected mobility on European roads.

With Annika Hedberg , Rebecca Castermans



Head of Sustainable Prosperity for Europe and Senior Policy Analyst
Circular economy, agriculture and rural development, environmental assessment and public participation
Policy Analyst
International environmental governance, climate justice, EU civic engagement, climate-induced migration, intergenerational justice, US climate policy
Policy Analyst
Energy transition & markets, EU & international regulatory frameworks, Sustainable land & agri-energy systems, Circular economy, Geopolitics
Junior Policy Analyst
Circular Economy, Chemicals, Water, & Waste Management, Biodiversity, Civic engagement, and Gender mainstreaming
Programme Assistant
Environmental policies, AGRIFISH EU Council, law and legislation, LIFE projects, regional and macro-regional strategies
Programme Assistant
Energy transition, energy security, sustainable mobility, sustainable agriculture, green and digital transition, environmental justice
Visiting Research Fellow in the SPFE Programme
Agriculture and rural development, agrifood systems and sustainability transitions, climate finance and justice, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation

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