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Head of Sustainable Prosperity for Europe and Senior Policy Analyst
Circular economy, agriculture and rural development, environmental assessment and public participation


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Climate & energy / DISCUSSION PAPER
Empowering citizens in Europe’s green transition: The role of digital solutions
By Laura Rayner , Berta López Domènech , Brooke Moore , Eric Maurice - 25/06/2024
Climate & energy / COMMENTARY
Making the EU’s clean energy transition work
By Simon Dekeyrel , Brooke Moore - 24/04/2024
Climate & energy / EPC FLASH ANALYSIS
EU’s renewable hydrogen agenda: Ambition vs reality
By Marialena Stagianni - 24/11/2023
Climate & energy / DISCUSSION PAPER
A just energy transition: Tapping into a century of ideas
By Thijs Vandenbussche - 30/11/2021
Climate & energy / ISSUE PAPER
Nord Stream 2: Rule no more, but still divide
By Marco Giuli - 25/06/2018


Climate & energy / COMMUNITY MEETING
State of play with EU’s climate and energy policies

23 February 2016 - European Energy Network meeting,
European Energy Network
Climate & energy / OP-ED
Future-proofing the European energy system must start now
Annika Hedberg wrote an op-ed at Emerging Europe website on the need for a discussion on Europe’s energy prospects. Read it here

24 October 2019 - ,

Climate & energy / COMMENTARY
"La neutralita' climatica e la sicurezza energetica dell'Europ

Marco Giuli published on Limes an Op-ed addressing the geopolitical significance of the European Investment Bank's decision to phase out investments in fossil fuels infrastructures as of 2021.

Read the paper here 

19 November 2019 - ,

Climate & energy / CONTRIBUTION
Green and digital transformations
Annika Hedberg spoke at the Scotland Europa Members' meeting about the Green Deal as the driving force behind Europe’s COVID-19 recovery efforts and the rationale and ways of joining the green transition with the digital transformation.

01 October 2020 - ,
Scotland Europa

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