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Policy Dialogue
Adapting to change: Time for climate-resilience an a new EU adaptation strategy

Thursday, 05 March 2020


Clara de la Torre
Deputy Director-General for Climate Action, European Commission
Jean-Pascal van Ypersele
Professor, UC Louvain; Former IPCC Vice-Chair
Linda Freiner
Head of Sustainability, Zurich Insurance Group
Sofia López Piqueres
Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre
Wieke Tas
Head of Unit for Climate Adaptation , Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, The Netherlands


Fabian Zuleeg
Chief Executive, European Policy Centre

The European Green Deal confirmed that the Commission “will adopt a new, more ambitious EU strategy on adaptation to climate change”. While reducing EU’s emissions will remain paramount for climate action, the inconvenient truth is that the climate is already changing and the effects are being felt across the globe, including Europe, thus making a case for stronger EU coordination on adaptation efforts. 

In 2019, the EPC carried out a project with the support of Zurich International to assess the state of play on adaptation in the EU and how its resilience to climate change could be improved. This Policy Dialogue will discuss the main findings of the EPC study and the upcoming EU adaptation strategy, including innovative and smart approaches to adaptation, how to ensure that adaptation efforts support mitigation and the role of green infrastructure and insurance.  

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