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  Europe in the World  

The Europe in the World (EiW) Programme scrutinises the impact of a changing international system on Europe and probes how the EU and its member states can leverage their untapped potential to advance their interests and values on a regional and global level. It thus examines the EU’s relations with major powers, such as the United States, China, and Russia, and how Europe can contribute to a rules-based global order. Secondly, the Programme focuses on the role of the EU in fostering reform, resilience and stability in neighbouring regions and looks closely at developments in Turkey and Ukraine, among other countries. Thirdly, the Programme examines how the EU can strengthen its security in the face of terrorism, violent extremism, as well as hybrid and cyber threats. It also seeks to advance the debate on Europe’s defence policy.


Security and Eastern Enlargement: Bridging the Gap for Wartime EU Accession
By Monika Sus , Michał Matlak - 25/10/2024
Ukraine’s partners must commit to Russia’s defeat
By Lev Zinchenko - 17/10/2024
Security & defence / COMMENTARY
How can Europe be ready for the Quantum Age?
By Chris Kremidas-Courtney - 15/10/2024


Disinformation / INTERVIEW
EU Commission Probe in to Russian Disinformation on Meta
Juraj Majcin on the Voice of America Russian Service  on EU Commission  probe into Russian disinformation on Meta's networksk. (In Russian)

09 May 2024 - , Rossiya
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan / QUOTE
Erdogan belooft in 2028 op te stappen. Kan hij dat wel?
Amanda Paul was quoted in an article by Knack on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's bid for re-election.

Read it here. (In Dutch)

Erdogan belooft in 2028 op te stappen. Kan hij dat wel?
13 March 2024 - ,
Security & defence / INTERVIEW
Interview with Euronews
Mihai Sebastian Chihaia was interviewed by Euronews on the EU's defence budget and its dependency on the United States.

Watch it here.

Interview with Euronews
14 February 2024 - ,


Europe / NEWS
MEPs discuss the future of Europe in EPC's policy crossroads series
Ahead of the European elections, the EPC is launching the “Policy Crossroads”. This series of short videos features conversations between EPC analysts and Members of the European Parliament on the future of the EU’s strategic direction after June 2024.

 Recorded in the European Parliament, these videos focus on policy areas central to the EU’s transformation, internal action, and global role. Conversations delve into priority issues linked to economic security, climate change, agriculture, social Europe, foreign policy, and defence, among others. With this initiative, the EPC aims to enhance awareness of the Parliament's crucial role and its contribution towards building a shared, stable, and sustainable European future.

 In the inaugural episode of Policy Crossroads, Paweł Świeboda and Georg Riekeles, EPC experts, engage in dialogue with MEP Bart Groothuis from Renew Europe Group, probe into the evolving landscape of economic security. The exchange revolves around the following questions:

a) Will strategic global competition and the escalating US-China rivalry worsen the economic security landscape, and how do such trends prompt a profound policy shift in Europe?

 b) Is economic security adequately prioritised by member states and the European Parliament, and what areas must Europe prioritise to bolster its role?

 c) What measures are anticipated in the 2024-2029 EU cycle to fortify economic security, especially in technology and supply chains? How does partnership factor into this strategy?

 The world has become a more hostile and volatile place where geopolitics plays out as an integral part of trade and economics. Global strategic competition is shaking the very assumptions of the open market thinking of the European Union, which now needs to take a more assertive geoeconomic turn. As the external environment is transitioning from a rules-based order to a deal-based order, this conversation indicates pathways for the EU to promote its global competitiveness, protect its economy and strategic industrial sectors, and build meaningful partnerships abroad.

This series is part of the EP Elections Task Force, which aims to impact the electoral process.

Security & defence / PODCAST

The Language of Power: The NATO summit and its implications for transatlantic relations
In the past few weeks, the political landscape in both Europe and the United States has seen unprecedented twists and turns, resulting in tensions all across the Atlantic.

With the rise of the far-right in the European Parliament, the surprise french elections which saw the left-wing parties rally successfully, Donald Trump'controversial Vice-President pick, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the National Republican convention, and and the withdrawal of President Biden as democratic nominee; What does it all mean for the transatlantic alliance?
In this episode of the EPC's newest security and defence podcast 'Language of Power', we discuss the Summit Declaration, The future of NATO under a potential second Trump presidency, defence expenditure and planning reforms as well as what's next for Ukraine.
With Garvan Walshe, EPC's head of communications and podcast host and Armida van Rij, Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House, and head of the Europe Programme.

This Podcast is part of the EPC's Europe in the World Programme.

With Garvan Walshe


European elections National elections / PODCAST

The Language of Power: Defence and Security implications of the French legislative elections
The snap-elections called by French president Macron, after the rise of Le Pen's Rassemblement National at the EU parliament, took an unprecedented turn on Sunday, July 7th.
With the far-left coming as the surprise winner of the elections with 182 seats, Macron's party coalition secured 153 seats while the Rassemblement National predicted to lead with a majority only ended third with 143 seats. This political climate is a clear shift for France which is heading for a cohabitation and a mix of coalitions; one that puzzles experts. How will France will govern with a far-left and far-right influence?
In this episode of the EPC's newest security and defence podcast 'Language of Power', we discuss the impact of the surprise results of this historic legislative election in France, as well as what it means for Ukraine, the future of European defence and finally, the role of France in the western alliance.
With Garvan Walshe, EPC's head of communications and podcast host, Paul Taylor, a senior visiting fellow for the EPC and Eric Maurice, policy analyst in the European Politics and Institutions programme.

This Podcast is part of the EPC's Europe in the World Programme.

With Garvan Walshe , Eric Maurice , Paul Taylor


Security & defence / PODCAST

NATO Summit: Is Ukraine's glass half empty or half full?
This episode takes a closer look at the outcomes of the NATO Summit in Vilnius and its implications for Russia's war in Ukraine. It also focuses on Türkiye's agreement on Sweden's membership, the future of the Black Sea Grain Initiative and NATO's relations with the Indo-Pacific.

With Jamie Shea, former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO and Senior Adviser at the EPC; Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst at the EPC; and Mihai Sebastian Chihaia, Policy Analyst at the EPC.

The episode was moderated by Garvan Walshe, Head of Communications at the European Policy Centre.

With Amanda Paul , Jamie Shea , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Garvan Walshe


Israel / PODCAST

The new government in Israel: Domestic and foreign policy implications - Part II
As protests in Israel continue to rise against Netanyahu's government and his judicial reforms, the final part of this EPC podcast series takes a closer look at Israel’s foreign relations. EPC Policy Analyst Mihai Sebastian Chihaia is joined by Azriel Bermant, Maya Sion, and Aaron David Miller to discuss the US stance towards Netanyahu, the significance and purpose of President Herzog’s visit to Brussels, and the new government’s position towards Russia and the war in Ukraine.

How will the new leadership affect Israel’s geopolitical agenda? Will the EU support the country’s pro-democracy movements? And will the US be ‘tough on Israel’ if Netanyahu moves forward with his controversial judicial reforms?

With Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Azriel Bermant , Maya Sion , Aaron David Miller


Israel / PODCAST

The new government in Israel: Domestic and foreign policy implications - Part I
The EPC Podcast is back to delve deeper into EU affairs and connect the dots between politics, policies, and people. This new episode forms the first part of a two-part podcast on the new Israeli government and its domestic and foreign policy agenda.

After Benjamin Netanyahu’s election as the new Israeli Prime Minister, the European Policy Centre hosted a Twitter Space to discuss the implications of the election results. EPC Analyst Mihai Sebastian Chihaia was joined by Azriel Bermant, Maya Sion and Aaron David Miller to explore the prospects for Israel’s relations with the EU, the US, and other international actors.

What are the key domestic policies that Netanyahu wants to implement? How will his right-wing government influence EU-Israeli relations? And will Netanyahu’s extremist agenda damage the historically positive relationship between the US and Israel?

With Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Azriel Bermant , Maya Sion , Aaron David Miller


Security & defence / PODCAST

NATO Summit wrap-up: The road to 2030
This episode takes a closer look at the outcome of the NATO summit and the implications for EU-NATO cooperation and the transatlantic relationship, and how the Alliance plans to deal with Russia and China. It also reviews NATO’s plans to help the fight against climate change.

With Jamie Shea, Professor of Strategy and Security at the University of Exeter, former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO and senior adviser to the EPC; Katarina Kertysova, Policy Fellow at the European Leadership Network and NATO 2030 Young Leader; and Mihai Sebastian Chihaia, Policy Analyst in the Europe in the World programme at the European Policy Centre.

With Rebecca Castermans , Jamie Shea , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Katarina Kertysova


Foreign policy / PODCAST

Feminist Foreign Policy: What’s in a name?
Feminist foreign policy is gaining momentum around the world. But what makes a foreign policy 'feminist'? And why is it important to re-evaluate defence and security policies through a decidedly feminist lens?

In this episode, I put these and other questions to Shada Islam, Senior Advisor on Asia and Africa to the EPC and well-known commentator on EU affairs, and Nina Bernarding, Director at the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.

We also talked about intersectionality, the need for broader inclusion in foreign policy, what an EU feminist foreign policy could and should look like and our shared admiration for New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

With Rebecca Castermans , Shada Islam , Nina Bernarding


Foreign policy / PODCAST

The renewed Franco-German partnership and its potential to build a geopolitical Europe

In this episode, Jana Puglierin and Ulrike Esther Franke from the European Council on Foreign Relations argue that it is time for the EU to get serious about its foreign policy - and explain how France and Germany can lead the way.

When it comes to geopolitics, the EU is still something of a navel-gazer. The past decade saw one existential crisis after another, forcing the EU leadership to focus its attention inward. But while the Union was dealing with its own issues, the outside world became an increasingly chaotic and sometimes even hostile place, seeing the return of zero-sum thinking and great power rivalry. The COVID-19 crisis and the economic recession that followed have only emphasized how critical foreign policy challenges are.

In response to the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in May of this year announced that they would back a €500 billion EU bond to help with Europe's economic recovery. The historic statement led many to wonder if the previously sputtering Franco-German engine could also force a breakthrough in EU foreign policy, especially since Germany was about to take over the presidency of the Council of the EU. 

Jana's and Ulrike's contributions are based on the ECFR Policy Brief 'The big engine that might: How France and Germany can build a geopolitical Europe'. Their analysis draws from the findings of the third edition of the European Council on Foreign Relations' EU Coalition Explorer – a survey of foreign policy experts and government officials across the EU27 that was taken in March and April of this year.

With Rebecca Castermans



Director for European and Global Affairs and head of the Europe in the World programme
EU institutions and politics, foreign and security policy, and multilevel governance
Deputy Head of Europe in the World Programme and Senior Policy Analyst
Turkey, Ukraine, South Caucasus, security and conflict resolution in the Black Sea, EU foreign policy in its Eastern neighbourhood, Enlargement, counter-violent extremism
Senior Policy Analyst
EU-Asia relations, China's foreign policy, EU and NATO common security and defence policy, ASEAN, Japan
Policy Analyst
European security and defence policies, Middle East political and security issues, EU-Middle East relations, Black Sea security developments, hybrid threats
Junior Policy Analyst
Eastern Partnership, Transatlantic affairs, terrorism & radicalisation
Junior Policy Analyst
International trade,geoeconomics, security, great power competition, East Asia, Central Asia, and the Indo-Pacific
Programme Assistant
China's domestic and foreign affairs, cross-strait policy, EU's Indo-Pacific strategy
Programme Assistant
Ukraine, Black Sea region
Programme Assistant
Ukraine, Black Sea region, Transatlantic relations, EU Foreign Policy, EU-Ukraine relations
Research Fellow
International trade, trade policy, free trade agreements, non-tariff barriers to trade, European economic integration, trade sanctions.
Senior Visiting Fellow
EU-NATO, public-private, and civil society resilience, hybrid threats, artificial intelligence, quantum technology, autonomous systems, and maritime security

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