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Institutional reform, poly-crisis, differentiated integration, enlargement, reform of economic governance


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Foreign policy / PODCAST

Feminist Foreign Policy: What’s in a name?

Feminist foreign policy is gaining momentum around the world. But what makes a foreign policy 'feminist'? And why is it important to re-evaluate defence and security policies through a decidedly feminist lens?

In this episode, I put these and other questions to Shada Islam, Senior Advisor on Asia and Africa to the EPC and well-known commentator on EU affairs, and Nina Bernarding, Director at the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.

We also talked about intersectionality, the need for broader inclusion in foreign policy, what an EU feminist foreign policy could and should look like and our shared admiration for New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

With Rebecca Castermans , Shada Islam , Nina Bernarding


Foreign policy / PODCAST

The renewed Franco-German partnership and its potential to build a geopolitical Europe

In this episode, Jana Puglierin and Ulrike Esther Franke from the European Council on Foreign Relations argue that it is time for the EU to get serious about its foreign policy - and explain how France and Germany can lead the way.

When it comes to geopolitics, the EU is still something of a navel-gazer. The past decade saw one existential crisis after another, forcing the EU leadership to focus its attention inward. But while the Union was dealing with its own issues, the outside world became an increasingly chaotic and sometimes even hostile place, seeing the return of zero-sum thinking and great power rivalry. The COVID-19 crisis and the economic recession that followed have only emphasized how critical foreign policy challenges are.

In response to the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in May of this year announced that they would back a €500 billion EU bond to help with Europe's economic recovery. The historic statement led many to wonder if the previously sputtering Franco-German engine could also force a breakthrough in EU foreign policy, especially since Germany was about to take over the presidency of the Council of the EU. 

Jana's and Ulrike's contributions are based on the ECFR Policy Brief 'The big engine that might: How France and Germany can build a geopolitical Europe'. Their analysis draws from the findings of the third edition of the European Council on Foreign Relations' EU Coalition Explorer – a survey of foreign policy experts and government officials across the EU27 that was taken in March and April of this year.

With Rebecca Castermans



no items found in 'Events'


Foreign policy / COMMENTARY
After Munich: Europe needs more than strong words
By Juraj Majcin - 18/02/2025
Foreign policy / DISCUSSION PAPER
Europe’s next watershed – how liberal Europe should react to Trump 2.0
By Fabian Zuleeg , Janis Emmanouilidis - 09/01/2025
Foreign policy / JUBILEE THINK PIECE
After the storm: The EU in uncharted waters
By Ivano di Carlo - 25/11/2022
Foreign policy / OP-ED
Has the EU gone far enough on sanctions?
By Fabian Zuleeg - 25/02/2022
Foreign policy / COMMENTARY
EU strategic autonomy – A perennial pipe dream?
By Fraser Cameron - 27/01/2022
Foreign policy / COMMENTARY
History matters for the EU’s geopolitical ambitions
By Fraser Cameron , Shada Islam - 15/07/2021


Syrian Arab Republic / QUOTE

Amanda Paul is quoted in EU observer about the EU's role in the latest developments in Syria. 

04 March 2020 - ,

Foreign policy / INTERVIEW
EU:s röriga utrikespolitik
Ricardo Borges de Castro gave an interview on EU foreign policy to Sverige Radio.

The recording is available here.

03 May 2021 - ,
Sverige Radio
Foreign policy / INTERVIEW
Euronews Tonight Show on the escalations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 
Mihai Sebastian Chihaia discussed at the Euronews Tonight Show the recent escalations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the implications for the EU. The intervention can be watched here.

12 May 2021 - ,
Foreign policy / INTERVIEW
Nahost-Konflikt: Die EU zahlt ohne Einfluss
Mihai Sebastian Chihaia was interviewed by Deutsche Welle regarding the EU's role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The article is available here (in German).

18 May 2021 - ,
Deutsche Welle

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