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Policy Analyst
European and transatlantic security and defence cooperation, hybrid threats, disinformation, cybersecurity
Senior Visiting  Fellow, Europe in the World Programme
EU politics, NATO, transatlantic relations, security in the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Arctic, Sahel, nuclear deterrence


no items found in 'Communications'


Security & defence / PODCAST

The Language of Power: The NATO summit and its implications for transatlantic relations

In the past few weeks, the political landscape in both Europe and the United States has seen unprecedented twists and turns, resulting in tensions all across the Atlantic.

With the rise of the far-right in the European Parliament, the surprise french elections which saw the left-wing parties rally successfully, Donald Trump'controversial Vice-President pick, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the National Republican convention, and and the withdrawal of President Biden as democratic nominee; What does it all mean for the transatlantic alliance?
In this episode of the EPC's newest security and defence podcast 'Language of Power', we discuss the Summit Declaration, The future of NATO under a potential second Trump presidency, defence expenditure and planning reforms as well as what's next for Ukraine.
With Garvan Walshe, EPC's head of communications and podcast host and Armida van Rij, Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House, and head of the Europe Programme.

This Podcast is part of the EPC's Europe in the World Programme.

With Garvan Walshe


Security & defence / PODCAST

NATO Summit: Is Ukraine's glass half empty or half full?

This episode takes a closer look at the outcomes of the NATO Summit in Vilnius and its implications for Russia's war in Ukraine. It also focuses on Türkiye's agreement on Sweden's membership, the future of the Black Sea Grain Initiative and NATO's relations with the Indo-Pacific.

With Jamie Shea, former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO and Senior Adviser at the EPC; Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst at the EPC; and Mihai Sebastian Chihaia, Policy Analyst at the EPC.

The episode was moderated by Garvan Walshe, Head of Communications at the European Policy Centre.

With Amanda Paul , Jamie Shea , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Garvan Walshe


Security & defence / PODCAST

NATO Summit wrap-up: The road to 2030

This episode takes a closer look at the outcome of the NATO summit and the implications for EU-NATO cooperation and the transatlantic relationship, and how the Alliance plans to deal with Russia and China. It also reviews NATO’s plans to help the fight against climate change.

With Jamie Shea, Professor of Strategy and Security at the University of Exeter, former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO and senior adviser to the EPC; Katarina Kertysova, Policy Fellow at the European Leadership Network and NATO 2030 Young Leader; and Mihai Sebastian Chihaia, Policy Analyst in the Europe in the World programme at the European Policy Centre.

With Rebecca Castermans , Jamie Shea , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Katarina Kertysova



no items found in 'Events'


Security & defence /
Ko Briuselis tikisi iš A. Kubiliaus? Pasigirdo ir kritikos
Maria Martisiute gave an interview to Alfa TV about the new defence and space commissioner, Andrius Kubilius.

Read here!

01 January 0001 - ,

Security & defence / INTERVIEW
Tråkig Trumpviskare ny chef för Nato
Maria Martisiute participated in a conversation with SverigesRadio on assessment of what to expect from Mark Rutte as a new SG of NATO.

Listen here!

01 January 0001 - ,

Security & defence / PODCAST
NATO Summit wrap-up: The road to 2030
Mihai Sebastian Chihaia participated in the EPC podcast discussing the outcome of the NATO Summit and the NATO 2030 agenda. The podcast can be listened to here.

17 June 2021 - ,
European Policy Centre
Security & defence / INTERVIEW
Ionela Ciolan was interviewed on Black Sea security by the largest military newspaper in the US "Defense News". 
Ionela Ciolan was interviewed on Black Sea security by the largest military newspaper in the US "Defense News". 
You can read her remarks here.

27 October 2021 - ,
Defense News

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