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Paul Taylor
Senior Visiting  Fellow, Europe in the World Programme
Paul Taylor is a Senior Visiting Fellow in the Europe in the World Programme and a member of the Defence/Security EUrope project. He is also a freelance columnist for The Guardian.

He worked for nearly 40 years for Reuters, the international news agency, as a foreign correspondent, bureau chief and editor in Europe and the Middle East. He was based in London, Paris, Tehran, Bonn, Brussels, Jerusalem, Berlin and Cairo. He specialised in transatlantic diplomacy and defence as NATO correspondent (1983-86), Diplomatic Editor (1997-2001) and European Affairs Editor, (2001-2016).

Prior to joining the EPC, he was a senior fellow in the Peace, Security and Defence programme of Friends of Europe, where he published a dozen studies on different aspects of European defence cooperation. He was also a columnist on European affairs for POLITICO and the New York Times/International  Herald Tribune.

He has an MA in Modern History and Modern Languages from Balliol College, Oxford University, and speaks fluent English, French and German. A dual French and UK national, he is based in France.


Europe in the World


Security and Defence

Areas of expertise

EU politics, NATO, transatlantic relations, security in the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Arctic, Sahel, nuclear deterrence

Current positions


MA Modern History and Modern Languages (Oxford)


English, French, German



Security & defence / PUBLICATION
How to promote private finance of European defence: Two views
By Alan Riley , Paul Taylor , Stephen Davis - 11/03/2025
Security & defence / EPC FLASH ANALYSIS
The EU’s special defence summit: A glass half full
By Paul Taylor - 07/03/2025
Security & defence / POLICY BRIEF
Quick march! Ten steps for a European defence surge
By Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Maria Martisiute , Juraj Majcin , Paul Taylor , Chris Kremidas-Courtney - 22/01/2025
Security & defence / COMMENTARY
Time for a new deal between the EU and NATO
By Paul Taylor - 04/11/2024


National elections / INTERVIEW
Germany has swung to the right. What does that mean for the country – and Europe? Our panel responds
Paul Taylor contributed to The Guardian's panel on German elections and Far-right gains.

Read it here.

Germany has swung to the right. What does that mean for the country – and Europe? Our panel responds
24 February 2025 - ,
Don’t mention the war: in Germany, politicians are hiding the truth about defence spending
Paul Taylor was featured on The Guardian, discussing defence spending.

Read here.

Don’t mention the war: in Germany, politicians are hiding the truth about defence spending
20 February 2025 - ,
Security & defence / OP-ED
EU leaders talk the talk on defence. But where will they find the billions to pay for it?
Paul Taylor wrote an opinion piece on EU defence for The Guardian.

Read it here

EU leaders talk the talk on defence. But where will they find the billions to pay for it?
05 February 2025 - ,

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