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The Transnationalisation Programme (TRA) facilitates a transnationalised debate on Europe’s key challenges through enhancing collaboration with think tanks and civil society across Europe. Today’s global and societal challenges require transnational policy responses. European think tanks and civil society play an important role in connecting debates across borders and strengthening exchanges between decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders.

Via its Connecting Europe Project, the programme seeks to enhance cooperation with civil society organisations across the EU and wider Europe. Since its inception in 2017, the main objective of Connecting Europe has been to connect civil society organisations with EU decision-makers. A joint initiative by the EPC and Stiftung Mercator, the Project has strong ties with civil society organisations from across Europe while at the same time working closely with the EPC’s thematic programmes and the Brussels policy community. In the past years, Connecting Europe has grown into a network of over 45+ partner organisations from 13 countries working on different policy areas. It includes a plethora of research institutes, think tanks, NGOs, peer-learning networks, and advocacy organisations.

Follow Connecting Europe on Twitter: @CnctingEurope

Additionally, the programme seeks to enhance collaboration with think tanks across Europe. A transnationalised think tank community is crucial for connecting debates across borders, strengthening exchanges between decision-makers and other stakeholders, and informing policy debate with innovative, outside-the-box ideas and recommendations. To this end, we work with European and national think tanks and engage in several think tank networks and projects, including the Trans European Policy Association (TEPSA), On Think Tanks, and the Think Tank Lab.


Democracy / COMMENTARY
Democracy demoted
By Johannes Greubel , Javier Carbonell - 26/09/2024
Security & defence / COMMENTARY
Wanted: EU Commissioner for Defence and Security
By Maria Martisiute - 03/07/2024
Connecting Europe starts its fourth project phase
By European Policy Centre - 01/07/2024


Security & defence / INTERVIEW
Mittagsmagazin: Brüssel: Wie die EU-Kommission die Rüstungsindustrie stärken will
Maria Mirtisiute was interviewed by ARD on Europe’s defence industry.

Watch it here. (Only available in Germany)

Mittagsmagazin: Brüssel: Wie die EU-Kommission die Rüstungsindustrie stärken will
05 March 2024 - ,
EU sanctions / INTERVIEW
Yulia Navalnaya in Brussels: Could more EU sanctions be coming Russia's way? | DW News
Maria Martisiute did an interview with Deutsche Welle on Yulia Navalnaya's message to the European Union following the death of her husband Alexei Navalny, and potential new EU sanctions for Russia.

Watch it here.

Yulia Navalnaya in Brussels: Could more EU sanctions be coming Russia's way? | DW News
20 February 2024 - ,
Deutsche Welle
EU sanctions / INTERVIEW
EU mulls fresh sanctions over Navalny death
Maria Martisiute did an interview with Deutsche Welle on new EU sanctions on Russia following the death of Alexei Navalny.

Read it here.

EU mulls fresh sanctions over Navalny death
19 February 2024 - ,
Deutsche Welle

Foreign policy / PODCAST

The renewed Franco-German partnership and its potential to build a geopolitical Europe

In this episode, Jana Puglierin and Ulrike Esther Franke from the European Council on Foreign Relations argue that it is time for the EU to get serious about its foreign policy - and explain how France and Germany can lead the way.

When it comes to geopolitics, the EU is still something of a navel-gazer. The past decade saw one existential crisis after another, forcing the EU leadership to focus its attention inward. But while the Union was dealing with its own issues, the outside world became an increasingly chaotic and sometimes even hostile place, seeing the return of zero-sum thinking and great power rivalry. The COVID-19 crisis and the economic recession that followed have only emphasized how critical foreign policy challenges are.

In response to the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in May of this year announced that they would back a €500 billion EU bond to help with Europe's economic recovery. The historic statement led many to wonder if the previously sputtering Franco-German engine could also force a breakthrough in EU foreign policy, especially since Germany was about to take over the presidency of the Council of the EU. 

Jana's and Ulrike's contributions are based on the ECFR Policy Brief 'The big engine that might: How France and Germany can build a geopolitical Europe'. Their analysis draws from the findings of the third edition of the European Council on Foreign Relations' EU Coalition Explorer – a survey of foreign policy experts and government officials across the EU27 that was taken in March and April of this year.

With Rebecca Castermans


Rule of law / PODCAST

Rule of law: Can't we all just get along?
Rule-of-law concerns have been plaguing the Union for the better part of the last decade, and don’t appear to be going anywhere. At a recent EPC Policy Dialogue, organised as part of our Connecting Europe project and in cooperation with Democracy Reporting International, European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová spoke about the current state of rule-law-proceedings and elaborated on the new Commission’s plans to counter democratic backsliding in the member states.
With Rebecca Castermans



Head of the Transnationalisation Programme & Connecting Europe Project Leader
EU Governance, EU institutions, democracy, Germany, European elections, EU reform
Policy Analyst
Foreign, security & defence policy, human security, enlargement, infrastructure, Russia, Eastern Partnership, Indo-Pacific, innovation
Project Manager
European identities and nationalism, civic engagement and participation, EU cultural policy, EUropean public sphere, democracy and integration
Programme Assistant
international politics, environmental and climate policies, and EU affairs, democratic participation, democratic backsliding, green transition

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