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Connecting Europe

Connecting Europe is a project at the European Policy Centre funded by Stiftung Mercator. Its objective is twofold: To connect civil society organisations with EU decision-makers and to transnationalise EU policy debates. 

Established in 2017, Connecting Europe has grown into a network of 45+ organisations, which includes a broad range of research institutes, NGOs, think tanks, network projects and fellowship programmes working across Europe. The project covers topics relevant to the EU policy community as well as to the partner organisations: rule of law and democracy, climate change, the digital transformation, as well as the future of EU foreign policy. 

The team behind the project organises and coordinates a range of joint activities with partners in the network, the EPC, Stiftung Mercator and the broader Brussels policy community, ranging from workshops, roundtables and policy dialogues to joint publications and podcasts. 

Through these activities, Connecting Europe encourages an open, constructive dialogue between actors in the member states and EU decision-makers in Brussels, with the aim of enhancing mutual understanding and cohesion. It also aims at improving the links between civil society and EU decision-makers and sustainably increasing civil society’s impact and visibility in Brussels.

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Connecting Europe / REPORT
Engaging with Connecting Europe 2017-2024 and beyond
By Johannes Greubel , Liza Saris - 10/12/2024
Environment / COMMENTARY
Making sense of the EU’s Nature Restoration Law
By Filipe Ataíde Lampe , Jule Zeschky - 14/07/2023
Germany’s national security strategy: What does it mean for Europe?
By Filipe Ataíde Lampe - 03/07/2023
Climate adaptation: The race to cool down Europe’s cities
By Filipe Ataíde Lampe - 13/03/2023
Connecting Europe / REPORT
Making sense of the Connecting Europe network
By European Policy Centre - 05/12/2022
No power without values: Why the EU needs to embrace political leadership if it wants to safeguard democracy
By Sophie Pornschlegel , Clara Sophie Cramer - 09/11/2022
Future of Europe / EPC ROUND-UP
Von der Leyen makes big promises, but will they be enough?
By European Policy Centre - 14/09/2022
Future of Europe / DISCUSSION PAPER
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Unity is good, but ambition is better
By Sophie Pornschlegel , Ilke Toygür - 01/06/2022
Conference on the Future of Europe / EPC ROUND-UP
The Conference on the Future of Europe: From citizens’ recommendations to EU policy
By Ivano di Carlo , Sophie Pornschlegel , Francesco De Angelis , Laura Rayner , Filipe Ataíde Lampe , Silvia Carta - 05/05/2022
Connecting Europe / NEWS
Connecting Europe starts its third project phase
By European Policy Centre - 10/12/2021
General news / NEWS
Annual Report 2020
By European Policy Centre - 27/10/2021
Uninspired or indifferent? EU policy in the 2021 German election manifestos
By Sophie Pornschlegel , Alexandra Salomonsová - 03/09/2021
What will Germany’s elections mean for the EU?
By Sophie Pornschlegel - 25/08/2021
Solidarity / ISSUE PAPER
Solidarity in the EU: More hype than substance?
By Sophie Pornschlegel - 28/07/2021
Migration / POLICY BRIEF
‘When Mayors Make Migration Policy’: The future of city diplomacy
By Petra Bendel , Janina Stürner , Christiane Heimann , Hannes Schammann - 10/06/2021


Head of the Transnationalisation Programme & Connecting Europe Project Leader
EU Governance, EU institutions, democracy, Germany, European elections, EU reform
Project Manager
European identities and nationalism, civic engagement and participation, EU cultural policy, EUropean public sphere, democracy and integration
Project Assistant
Migration and borders, China-EU relations, BRI in the Western Balkans, human rights and civil society, institutionalism
Programme Assistant
international politics, environmental and climate policies, and EU affairs, democratic participation, democratic backsliding, green transition
Programme Assistant
Migration, enlargement, nation-states and borders, institutional affairs, foreign policy, democratic theory 
Project Assistant
Transitional justice, civil society engagement, gender-based violence, youth participation

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