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Ukraine’s European Future

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It has had a profound impact on the country, creating an economic, security, and humanitarian crisis. At the same time, Russia’s actions also threaten the security and stability of Europe and the post-Cold War international order.

Through analysis, public events, expert workshops and other means, the EPC’s Ukraine European Future project will focus on:

  • Developments during and after the war, including the response, support (humanitarian, military, and economic aid, etc.) and policies and programmes of the EU and Ukraine’s other key Western allies (US, UK, Canada, etc.).
  • Short, medium, and long-term priorities for Ukraine-EU relations, such as monitoring political and economic reform in Ukraine, including its progress in meeting the criteria to start accession talks; the EU’s role in Ukraine’s reconstruction; reinforcing Ukraine’s energy security and green transition; sustainable economic prosperity and countering disinformation.
  • Support for Ukraine in its efforts to get justice for Russia’s war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  • The role of Ukrainian civil society in reinforcing national cohesion and resilience, and its potential to be the driving force behind the rebuilding of the country.
  • Different forms of security and defence cooperation, including future security guarantees for Ukraine and the future of the European security architecture.

Ukraine’s European Future Project is led by Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst and Svitlana Taran, EPC-KBF Research Fellow. For further information on our work and opportunities to support it, please email or




The EU will be stronger with Ukraine as a member
By Amanda Paul , Svitlana Taran - 01/07/2024
How effective has NATO been in Ukraine?
By Paul Taylor - 27/06/2024
Ukraine’s survival hinges on sustained, long-term support
By Amanda Paul , Svitlana Taran - 21/06/2024
No more excuses: Debunking arguments against seizing Russian state assets for Ukraine
By Yuliya Ziskina , Jamison Firestone , Tetyana Nesterchuk - 07/06/2024
Economic Security / OP-ED
Economic security: The strategic argument for Ukraine’s EU membership
By Svitlana Taran , Philipp Lausberg - 02/02/2024
Ukraine’s accession talks need bold action in Kyiv and Brussels
By Amanda Paul , Svitlana Taran - 24/03/2023
Russia’s defeat in Ukraine must be the top transatlantic priority
By Amanda Paul , Svitlana Taran - 21/02/2023
What now for the future of Ukraine’s healthcare system?
By Elizabeth Kuiper - 20/02/2023
Helping Ukraine survive the winter is a life-or-death imperative
By Amanda Paul , Svitlana Taran - 09/12/2022
EU responses to Ukrainian arrivals – not (yet) a blueprint
By Marie De Somer , Alberto-Horst Neidhardt - 14/10/2022
Quadruple military aid for Ukraine
By Amanda Paul - 06/10/2022
Future of Europe / DISCUSSION PAPER
Europe’s moment of truth: United by adversity?
By Fabian Zuleeg , Janis A. Emmanouilidis - 11/07/2022


Deputy Head of Europe in the World Programme and Senior Policy Analyst
Turkey, Ukraine, South Caucasus, security and conflict resolution in the Black Sea, EU foreign policy in its Eastern neighbourhood, Enlargement, counter-violent extremism
Policy Analyst
International trade, trade policy, free trade agreements, non-tariff barriers to trade, European economic integration, trade sanctions.

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