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Bosnia-Herzegovina / INTERVIEW
Brussels warns of 'serious consequences' as Bosnian Serbs celebrate breakaway anniversary
Berta Lopez Domenech gave an interview for Euronews on the situation in the Republika Srpska and its impact on Bosnia's prospects for enlargement. 

Read the article here.

09 January 2024 - ,
Bosnia-Herzegovina / QUOTE
La Commission européenne propose d’ouvrir les négociations d’adhésion avec la Bosnie-Herzégovine
Berta López Domènech was quoted in an article by Le Monde on the European Commission's suggestion to open up accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Read it here. (In French)

13 March 2024 - ,
Le Monde
Bosnia-Herzegovina / QUOTE
The EU pursues make-believe in Bosnia

Berta López  Dómenech quoted in FT on the need for constitutional reform in Bosnia.

23 March 2024 - , United Kingdom

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