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  Europe’s Political Economy  

The EPC's Europe’s Political Economy Programme (EPE) is dedicated to covering topics related to EU economic governance, the single market, industrial and digital policies, and strategic autonomy in a context of deep geo-economic and technological shifts. The Programme has contributed actively to these debates over past years, leveraging its convening power, analysis and multistakeholder taskforce model. EPE analysts pioneered the concept of a ‘wartime economy’ following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the Programme is currently running projects focusing on the EU’s ambitions and the private sector’s capacity to deliver on the “triple” green, digital and economic security transitions. As fast-advancing components of ‘economic security’, digital and emerging technologies, such as quantum, are priority areas of focus. Linked to the changing international context, the Programme also focuses on trade policy, the transatlantic agenda, notably the EU-US Trade and Technology Council, China, and the EU’s close economic partnerships (UK, EEA, Switzerland). The EPE Programme consists of a young and dynamic team, with recent recruitments bolstering analytical capacities linked to economic growth and crises, resilience and recovery, emerging tech and cybersecurity.



China / OP-ED
The Chinese EV tariffs are here. What now?
By Varg Folkman - 11/10/2024
Economic Security / COMMENTARY
Europe needs a 360° Economic security policy
By Pawel Swieboda - 10/10/2024
Economic governance / DISCUSSION PAPER
Funding Europe’s Technology Revival
By Pawel Swieboda - 18/07/2024
Healing Bytes: Navigating the rewards and risks of smart worlds for health
By Danielle Brady , Giulia Torchio - 08/07/2024


Azerbaijan / VIDEO
Fransa əksinə, Ermənistana dəstəyi artıracaq”. Makron Yeni Kaledoniyada
Philipp Lausberg commented on the role of Azerbaijan in the uprisings in New Caledonia for Radio Free Europe (Azeri service).

Watch it here!

Fransa əksinə, Ermənistana dəstəyi artıracaq”. Makron Yeni Kaledoniyada
25 May 2024 - , Belgique/Belgie
Economic governance / QUOTE
Warum Europa nur noch Mittelmaß ist
Philipp Lausberg gives a quote to Der Spiegel on the ongoing debate on Capital Markets Union.

Read it here!

Warum Europa nur noch Mittelmaß ist
21 May 2024 - , Belgique/Belgie
European Union / QUOTE
Əliyev Blinkenə deyib ki, get işinlə məşğul ol..." J.Assanc, yoxsa Q.İbadoğlu siyasi məhbusdur
Philipp Lausberg commented on how regimes such as Ilham Aliyev’s of Azerbaijan use whataboutism to deflect Western criticism of their authoritarian practices for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 

Watch it here!

Əliyev Blinkenə deyib ki, get işinlə məşğul ol..." J.Assanc, yoxsa Q.İbadoğlu siyasi məhbusdur
29 April 2024 - , Belgique/Belgie

Cybersecurity / PODCAST

Is the EU ready to face quantum cyberattacks?
Von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech calls for member states to advance efforts in emerging technologies and invest in everything, from microelectronics to quantum computing and AI. But is Europe ambitious and prepared enough to bring forward von der Leyen’s agenda?

This episode of the EPC Podcast looks at the rapid development of quantum technologies in Europe and beyond, its implications for cybersecurity and the EU’s role in ensuring safety online.

With Andrea G. Rodríguez, EPC’s Lead Digital Analyst, and Jesse Robbers, Quantum Delta NL’s Executive Board Member and Director.

Photo credits: CANVA
The audio from Ursula von der Leyen's State of the Union speech was taken from the Commission's audiovisual service. Credits: European Union, 2023

With Barbara Vanotti , Jesse Robbers


Health / PODCAST

Vaccine certificates: Damned if you do, damned if you don't
An EU vaccine passport could help us get back to normal sooner, but at what cost?

Despite lingering disagreement between member states, the Commission will soon present its proposal for an EU vaccine passport. The upcoming 'digital green pass' should make it easier for EU citizens to cross borders in time for the summer holidays.

But not everyone is on board; health experts warn there are still too many unknowns about the effectiveness of the existing vaccines, while others worry about the ethical, social, and privacy implications.

With vaccine certificates becoming a potential ethical, technical and political minefield, the Commission and member state governments will have to think through all possible effects and outcomes: What are the benefits of having an EU vaccine certificate? What are the potential pitfalls? And what could be some of the unforeseen, downstream consequences in the long run?

In this episode, EPC analysts try to answer those questions, covering the health, social, freedom of movement and data privacy dimensions of the debate.

With contributions from Greek Minister of Digital Governance, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, and EPC policy analysts Simona Guagliardo, Alberto-Horst Neidhardt and Andreas Aktoudianakis; and Programme Assistant Helena Hahn.

With Rebecca Castermans , Alberto-Horst Neidhardt , Simona Guagliardo , Andreas Aktoudianakis , Helena Hahn



The Digital Services Act - Why data access matters
With its upcoming Digital Services Act, the European Commission intends to set clear rules for online platforms and the services they provide, which will make them more accountable and subject to public scrutiny and oversight.   

If internet platforms are to be held accountable, the new rules must enable journalists and researchers to gain access to data that allows them to dissect the algorithmic systems that govern the content users get to see on their screens.  
In this podcast, AlgorithmWatch and the EPC explore why data access matters; what makes it so difficult for journalists and researchers to get their hands on data from internet platforms; and how EU policymakers plan to take the decision-making on internet governance out of the private boardroom.

You will hear excerpts from a speech by Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age and Competition. She spoke recently at an online webinar where AlgorithmWatch and the EPC presented the outcome and final recommendations of their 'Governing Platforms' project. We also spoke with Tom Dobber, postdoctoral researcher at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research, and Rania Wazir, data scientist and board member of the Vienna Data Science Group. They are two of many researchers who, in the context of AlgorithmWatch's 'Left on Read' campaign, gave an account of their experiences with trying to get access to data on internet platforms.

The support the European Policy Centre receives for its ongoing operations, or specifically for its podcasts and publications, does not constitute an endorsement of their contents, which reflect the views of the authors only. Supporters and partners cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

With Rebecca Castermans , AlgorithmWatch



Chief Executive and Chief Economist 
Europe’s political economy, Future of Europe, EU relationship with third countries, transnational think tank cooperation
Associate Director and Head of Europe's Political Economy programme
International negotiations, trade, EU’s international role, security and defense, single market, digital policies, EU governance and interinstitutional relations, future of Europe
Senior Policy Analyst
EU economic governance, banking and financial policy, energy policy, industrial policy, the single market, politics and economics of Russia and Eastern Europe
Policy Analyst
Industrial policy, trad relations, EU/China relations, competition policy, state aid policy, digital infrastructure
Junior Policy Analyst
EU digital policy, internet paradigms, artificial intelligence, transatlantic relations
Programme Assistant
Transatlantic relations, geoeconomics, security and defense
Programme Assistant
Artificial Intelligence, socioeconomic impacts of AI, EU digital policy, International governance of AI, AI ethics, social psychology

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