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Guillaume Van der Loo
Research Fellow
Guillaume Van der Loo is a research fellow at the European Policy Centre (Brussels) and Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations and is Visiting Professor (EU Trade Law) at Ghent University. He obtained a PhD in Law (2014, Ghent University) on the EU’s new generation of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas concluded with the EU’s neighbouring countries. He was also a researcher at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) (2015-2020) and the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (2018-2019). His research and publications focus on the law and policy of the EU’s external and trade relations, with a particular focus on the new generation of EU trade and investment agreements, EU trade policy, EU external competences and EU neighbourhood relations. Guillaume has contributed to several international research projects funded by different EU institutions and member states. He has also advised several governments and national and EU institutions on EU trade affairs and has commentated widely on these topics in the media.


Europe in the World


Areas of expertise

Trade policy, EU external relations, European Neighbourhood Policy, Brexit, EU international agreements

Current positions


PhD Law (Ghent Univesity); LL.M. EU Law (Ghent University); Master EU Studies (Ghent University); Bachelor Political Science (Università degli Studi di Firenze)


Dutch, English, French, Italian (basic)



Transatlantic affairs / EPC ROUND-UP
Searching for economic security in an age of confrontation: The Trade and Technology Council takes shape
By Annika Hedberg , Guillaume Van der Loo , Frederico Mollet , Georg Riekeles , Simon Dekeyrel , Evin Jongen-Fay - 19/05/2022
The EU–Ukraine Association Agreement after Ukraine’s EU membership application: Still fit for purpose
By Guillaume Van der Loo , Peter Van Elsuwege - 14/03/2022
Strategic foresight / OUTLOOK PAPER
Europe in the world in 2022: The transatlantic comeback?
By Amanda Paul , Ivano di Carlo , Guillaume Van der Loo , Réka Koleszár , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Ricardo Borges de Castro , Iana Maisuradze , Ionela Ciolan , Maxime Sierro - 21/01/2022

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