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Mercator Dialogue on Migration and Asylum (MEDAM)

The Mercator Dialogue on Migration and Asylum (MEDAM) is a research and consultation project that identifies and closes the gaps in existing research and develops research-based solutions for asylum and immigration policies, addressing the most pressing concerns of policy makers from an independent European perspective. In its second phase  from 2020-2022, MEDAM research and analysis focus on the cooperation of the EU and its member states with countries of origin and transit, as well as the attitudes of citizens with regard to the dilemmas and compromises that need to be addressed in the context of European asylum and migration policy. MEDAM is active at the interface between academic research and policymaking. Besides research, regular dialogue with decision makers at the national and European levels is a central element of the project work. As well as publishing written analyses and articles in scientific journals, the project findings contribute to the political debate through events involving experts from politics, business, academia and civil society.  The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) and the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence have been research partners in MEDAM since the project started. In addition, the European Policy Centre (EPC) joined MEDAM at the beginning of 2020. The EPC will lead the monitoring and analysis of developments in migration-related policies in the EU, along with complementary policies in key member states.



Migration / 2022 MEDAM Assessment Report
Refugee protection in the EU: Building resilience to geopolitical conflict
By Matthias Lücke , Helena Hahn , Silvia Carta , Martin Ruhs , Mehari Taddele Maru , Paweł Kaczmarczyk , Karolina Łukasiewicz , Marta Pachocka , Tobias Heidland - 13/10/2022
Migration / 2021 MEDAM Assessment Report
The EU and Turkey: Toward sustainable cooperation in migration management and refugee protection
By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt , Olivia Sundberg Diez , Matthias Lücke , Martin Ruhs , Saime Özçürümez - 28/05/2021
European and African perspectives on asylum and migration policy. Seeking common ground
By Olivia Sundberg Diez , Matthias Lücke , Leonie Jegen , Franzisca Zanker - 22/04/2020


Head of European Migration and Diversity and Senior Policy Analyst
Common European Asylum System, refugee law, migrants' integration, multiculturalism, politics of migration, EU citizens rights, free movement
Policy Analyst
Migration governance, climate change and migration, EU migration cooperation, EU funding, borders and technology, resettlement, refugee integration, think tank cooperation
Policy Analyst
Labour migration, international and temporary protection, integration and inclusion, children in migration.
Policy Analyst
Common European Asylum System, international asylum law, external dimension of EU migration policy, integration and inclusion

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