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 The labour inclusion of Ukrainian refugees

Matching skills with shortages and future needs

 The labour inclusion of Ukrainian refugees: Matching skills with shortages and future needs


Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees have benefited from access to the labour market under the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD). However, continued structural access barriers as well as uncertainty over their future prospects in the EU have contributed to disparate employment outcomes across the member states. Given EU-wide labour shortages and skills gaps, innovative and forward-looking measures facilitating their labour inclusion are necessary. These efforts should provide Ukrainians with meaningful opportunities for skills development while supporting their active participation in the EU labour market. At the same time, they should pay due consideration to long-term needs and as well as intentions, including the possibility of return and reintegration in Ukraine. 


In partnership with the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI), the project aims to identify and assess policies and best practices for the labour inclusion of Ukrainian refugees from two perspectives: 1) the acquisition and recognition of skills through education and training opportunities, including through support for educators; and 2) the role of diaspora communities and trade unions in supporting active labour market policies. Adopting a participatory approach, it will include two roundtable discussions with key stakeholders. Taking place against the backdrop of discussions on accession and related policy questions on mobility and integration of Ukrainian nationals, the project will result in a publication outlining main findings and policy recommendations seeking to develop long-term labour inclusion solutions for Ukrainians displaced in Europe.



Head of European Migration and Diversity and Senior Policy Analyst
Common European Asylum System, refugee law, migrants' integration, multiculturalism, politics of migration, EU citizens rights, free movement
Policy Analyst
Labour migration, international and temporary protection, integration and inclusion, children in migration.

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