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Maastricht Dialogues

The Maastricht Dialogues is an EPC series exploring the macroeconomic outlook and the challenges of EU economic governance at a time of significant tests. The timing of the dialogues coincides with the anniversaries of the 1992 Maastricht Treaty and the 1997 Stability and Growth.

Indeed, this is a critical moment for frank and open dialogue on the EU’s economic challenges. From the ‘Recovery and Resilience Fund’ pandemic response to the trials of today’s wartime economy, the EU project is living a watershed moment calling for unprecedented policy responses. As highlighted by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her 2022 State of the Union speech, the EU must now reinvent the “Maastricht spirit”, where stability and growth go hand in hand.

The European Policy Centre set up in June 2021 a Task force to input to the process and, in February 2022, released its first recommendations. The ‘Maastricht Dialogues’ foresee a mix of private and public events and publications. Through different formats, including closed-door roundtables, public talks, podcasts and Twitter Spaces, the EPC will follow and discuss the developments of the different aspects of the EU economic outlook and governance.


Economic governance / OP-ED
The EU’s trillion-euro question
By Georg Riekeles , Philipp Lausberg - 24/11/2022
Economic governance / DISCUSSION PAPER
Rethinking EU economic governance: The foundation for an inclusive, green and digital transition
By Francesco De Angelis , Laura Rayner , Frederico Mollet - 09/02/2022
Social investment / POLICY BRIEF
Rethinking EU economic governance: Social investment
By Laura Rayner - 09/12/2021
Economic governance / POLICY BRIEF
Rethinking EU economic governance: The European Semester
By Frederico Mollet - 03/12/2021
Economic governance / POLICY BRIEF
Rethinking EU economic governance: The Stability and Growth Pact
By Francesco De Angelis , Frederico Mollet - 19/11/2021
Future of Europe / DISCUSSION PAPER
COVID-19: Lessons from the ‘euro crisis’
By Fabian Zuleeg , Janis A. Emmanouilidis - 16/04/2020
Automatic Fiscal Stabiliser: Make it happen!
By László Andor , Regula Hess - 02/05/2016
What role for social investment in the new economic governance of the Eurozone?
By Fabian Zuleeg , Jan David Schneider - 10/11/2015
Eurozone governance / COMMENTARY
Stepping into the abyss?
By Fabian Zuleeg , Janis A. Emmanouilidis - 05/12/2011
Eurozone governance / COMMENTARY
A New Deal to help save the euro
By Fabian Zuleeg - 10/05/2011
Eurozone governance / COMMENTARY
Beyond austerity
By Fabian Zuleeg - 26/11/2010


Chief Executive and Chief Economist 
Europe’s political economy, Future of Europe, EU relationship with third countries, transnational think tank cooperation
Associate Director and Head of the Social Europe and Well-being programme
EU politics (including The Netherlands); social policies and healthcare, the nexus between pharmaceutical policy and economic security, gender- and diversity issues and sustainability.
Associate Director and Head of Europe's Political Economy programme
International negotiations, trade, EU’s international role, security and defense, single market, digital policies, EU governance and interinstitutional relations, future of Europe
Senior Policy Analyst
EU economic governance, banking and financial policy, energy policy, industrial policy, the single market, politics and economics of Russia and Eastern Europe
Junior Policy Analyst
Industrial policy, energy policy, EU economic governance

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