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Digitalisation for a clean energy transition

The EPC Project “Digitalisation for a clean energy transition”, organised with the support of the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications, explores how digitalisation can serve as a catalyst for the clean energy transition in Europe. It also considers the policy framework needed to fully align and promote the synergies between energy and digital policies and support the twin green and digital transition of the European energy sector.

The first online workshop organised as part of this project discussed the current and potential future role of digital tools in facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources and the obstacles standing in the way of unlocking their full potential in the renewable revolution.

The second online workshop looked at the demand side and considered how data and digital solutions could enable more efficient energy consumption and enhance energy savings across Europe. Furthermore, it scoped out the policies and public investments necessary to overcome the main hurdles stopping digitalisation from becoming a true driver of energy efficiency.

These two workshops served as the basis of a Discussion Paper, which will be presented at the final event of the project on 31 January, from 14.30 to 16.00 CET.



Digitalisation / DISCUSSION PAPER
Digitalisation: An enabler for the clean energy transition
By Simon Dekeyrel , Melanie Fessler - 31/01/2023


Policy Analyst
EU Internal Energy Market, EU external energy policy, EU-Russia energy relations
Policy Analyst
European Green Deal, just transition, citizen engagement, climate and migration

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