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Alejandro Castanedo Preciado
Programme Assistant
Alejandro is a Programme Assistant in the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme at the European Policy Centre.

He is a Law graduate with several legal masters and a deep interest in the EU, its policies and how they are being implemented, as well as social and environmental issues. 

Before joining the EPC, Alejandro worked in Brussels for two years as a trainee at the Office of the Government of Cantabria (Spain), the representation of his region in the European institutions. During this time, Alejandro attended the EU AGRIFISH Council and its working groups as an informer for the Spanish region during the Czech and Swedish presidencies of the Council. He defended and represented the interests of the region in the European institutions as well as in the networks and organisations with which Cantabria cooperates. He also worked for a few months on European projects at the Finnova Foundation before finishing his legal studies.



Areas of expertise

Environmental policies, AGRIFISH EU Council, law and legislation, LIFE projects, regional and macro-regional strategies

Current positions

Programme Assistant


Master in Taxation, University of Cantabria
Master of Access to the Legal Profession, University of Cantabria
Degree in Law, University of Cantabria 


Spanish, Italian, English, French (intermediate)


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