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Breakfast Policy Briefing
The priorities of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

On 1 July 2017 Estonia will assume the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first time since its accession to the EU in 2004. It takes over the presidency at a testing time for the Union, which is facing many challenges and uncertainties: rising populism on both sides of the political spectrum, the as-yet incomplete Single Market, and the review of the Union’s long-term finances, which is proving very challenging as a result of Brexit. At the same time, there are increasing signs that European integration might witness a new political momentum at the end of this ‘super-election’ year. At this Breakfast Policy Briefing, Matti Maasikas, Deputy Minister for European Affairs of Estonia, set out the priorities of the Estonian Presidency, which are: an open and innovative European economy, a safe and secure Europe, a digital Europe and the free flow of data, as well as an inclusive and sustainable Europe.

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