Shipping emissions account for 2.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions and that rate continues to grow. After years of slow progress, world leaders adopted a strategy, at the International Maritime Organisation meeting on 13 April 2018, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping by at least 50% by 2050, compared to 2008 levels. Special attention is being given to reducing CO2 emissions in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Although this agreement is less ambitious than that advocated by the EU, it will require significant investment in terms of new fuel types and fuel efficiency. This Policy Dialogue sought to discuss the state of play on tackling shipping emissions, including the implications of this new global climate change strategy for shipping and to understand the political and technological prospects for and challenges to reducing shipping emissions at the EU and global level. The Dialogue was organised by the European Policy Centre together with the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association.
Speakers included: Annika Hedberg, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre, Edmund Hughes, Head, Air Pollution and Energy Efficiency, International Maritime Organisation, Christine Berg, Head of Unit for Maritime Safety, DG Move, European Commission, Harald Solberg, CEO, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, Jannik Lindbaek, Head of EU Office, Statoil, Femke de Jong, Policy Director, Carbon Market Watch.