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Breakfast Policy Briefing
Modernising the Türkiye-EU Customs Union: Adapting to a changing era

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Thon EU

Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels
Meeting Room Belgium



Ömer Bolat
Türkiye’s Minister of Trade


Ricardo Borges de Castro
Associate Director & Head of the Europe in the World Programme, European Policy Centre

The European Policy Centre is pleased to invite you to this Breakfast Policy Briefing with Ömer Bolat, Türkiye’s Minister of Trade.
The Customs Union governing bilateral trade relations between Türkiye and the EU has been in force since 1995. Some three decades later an update to the framework is long overdue. Minister Bolat will evaluate the state of play vis-à-vis Türkiye’s trade relations with the EU, explain why the Customs Union in its current form is no longer fit for purpose, what the main opportunities and challenges are, and why modernising the CU would be a win-win for both Türkiye and the EU. 
Participation is open to EPC members only, invitees of the Permanent Delegation of Türkiye to the EU, the media, and EU officials 

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