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EPC Elections Monitor
Kosovo’s election: Implications for its EU path

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Monday, 10 February 2025
 12:00 - 13:00


Agon Maliqi
Freelance Researcher and Analyst
Engjellushe Morina
Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations
Una Hajdari
Freelance Journalist


Berta López Domènech
Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre

Kosovo citizens will go to the polls on February 9. This election will be a crucial test for Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who will seek to reaffirm his landslide victory from 2021. Over the past years, Kosovo made relevant steps towards the EU with visa liberalisation and its application for membership. At the same time, the increased tensions with the ethnic Serb community in the north of Kosovo have led to the deterioration of Kosovo’s relations with the EU.     
This EPC online Election Monitor will discuss the elections’ results and their implications for the future of Kosovo, the Balkans, and their EU path.
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