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Future-proofing EU resettlement policies: Scaling up commitments

Monday, 21 June 2021


Helena Hahn
Junior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre
Olivia Sundberg Diez
Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre

This high-level roundtable – attended by member state representatives, EU officials, representatives from international organizations and NGOs based in Europe, as well as academia and think tanks - constituted the second in this series of three events as part of a joint project between the European Policy Centre and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on the future of EU resettlement efforts.

There were two sessions: the first session addressed the challenges and prospects for resettlement efforts by the EU and its member states. Participants established that there is a clear interest in expanding member states’ resettlement capacity, yet the ambition to scale up resettlement has to be measured against shared political and operational challenges, in particular in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Coordination at EU level, information-sharing efforts, and operational assistance have proven to be of great relevance. Increased EU support along these avenues therefore has the potential to further boost states’ resettlement capacity.

The second session focused on the numerous challenges facing community sponsorship, both in terms of policy design and as a result of COVID-19. Sponsorship schemes in Europe are at different stages, but there was agreement that this is a crucial moment in terms of anchoring them, ensuring their quality, and devising effective ways to scale them up. Support from the EU, through its convening role, as well as funding support, can play an important role in maintaining and further building community sponsorship in Europe.

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