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Marco Giuli
External Adviser
Researcher in EU energy and climate policy, Institute of European Studies, Free University of Brussels



Areas of expertise

Current positions


MA in the Economics of European Integration, University of Bologna
BA in International Relations, University of Rome (Sapienza)




Adapting to change: Time for climate resilience and a new adaptation strategy
By Marco Giuli , Annika Hedberg , Sofia López Piqueres - 05/03/2020
Industrial policy / ISSUE PAPER
An Industry Action Plan for a more competitive, sustainable and strategic European Union
By Marco Giuli , Claire Dhéret , Johan Bjerkem , Marta Pilati - 07/11/2019
This deal or no deal
By Fabian Zuleeg - 17/10/2019
Paris agreement / DISCUSSION PAPER
Paris-proofing the next Multiannual Financial Framework
By Marco Giuli - 25/06/2019
Euros for oil: A first step, but towards what?
By Marco Giuli - 23/01/2019


Climate & energy / COMMENTARY
"La neutralita' climatica e la sicurezza energetica dell'Europ

Marco Giuli published on Limes an Op-ed addressing the geopolitical significance of the European Investment Bank's decision to phase out investments in fossil fuels infrastructures as of 2021.

Read the paper here 

19 November 2019 - ,
Climate diplomacy / COMMENTARY
Trump e l'Accordo di Parigi
Read the paper here (in Italian)

08 November 2019 - ,

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