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Digital EU

Digitisation of products and services, and the European economy, is a key contributor to the EU’s competitiveness and economic growth. Digitalisation is central in development of new technologies and business models, and in improving the functioning of both the public and private sectors. The resulting benefits are not just economic but also environmental (e.g. smarter production/consumption/waste management) and social (e.g. accessible information, improved education, better health and other services, and new job opportunities).

The first steps for digitising the European economy are already undertaken within the context of the European Commission’s Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy. However, market fragmentation and legal uncertainty are still holding the EU back from realising the full potential. In addition, lack of digital skills and citizens’ fears over data protection are issues to be tackled. Addressing these barriers and implementing the DSM strategy is crucial for developing a prosperous European economy.

Against this background, the EPC’s digital activities provide a platform for engaging wide-range stakeholders in a constructive discussion about the future of Europe in the digital world. While analysing the opportunities and challenges both in the short- and long-term, the aim of the activities is to provide suggestions how digitalisation can enable and contribute to the transition towards a modernised and sustainable European economy.

One of the ongoing EPC projects, the Digital Media Task Force, focuses on the transformation of a specific sector – the media sector. Previous activities, in the context of the EPC project on Digital Single Market, addressed what needs to be done to develop the digital economy, complete the DSM and future-proof European digital policy. One specific aspect - smart specialisation and how to measure the impact of digital policies was discussed in activities focused on Smart Regions.

The EPC’s activities on digital economy are coordinated by Annika Hedberg, Senior Policy Analyst.

Digital Media Task Force

The digital transformation of Europe’s economy and society is high on the EU’s policy agenda. One sector that is already transformed by the digitalisation is the media industry. Despite the potential benefits for media in the Digital Single Market (DSM), the challenges that arise, for example, from the development of new business models and the sharing of media content across borders need to be tackled.

Against this background, the EPC established a Task Force to analyse the role of media, as well as the challenges and opportunities for the media sector in the increasingly digital world. The objective of the Task Force is to provide a platform for a constructive dialogue between experts and policy-makers, and on the basis of evidence-based analysis produce comprehensive policy recommendations for decision-makers.

The Task Force is structured around series of expert workshops and public events. The conclusions of the workshops will feed into EPC publications, including the final report of the Task Force.

The Task Force activities are governed by a Steering Committee and managed by the EPC. The Task Force is chaired by Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive and it is expected to complete its work by 2017.


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