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Responsibility sharing or shifting? Implications of the New Pact for future EU cooperation with third countries

Eleonora Milazzo , Andreina De Leo

Date: 20/06/2024

Following the adoption of the New Pact reforms, the external dimension of the EU's migration policy will acquire even greater relevance. With prospects of internal responsibility-sharing among member states remaining uncertain, limiting irregular arrivals and facilitating returns are being presented as essential preconditions to avoid putting pressure on national migration, asylum and reception systems. From this viewpoint, securing stable cooperation with third countries will be instrumental for sustainability of the newly reformed Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

This policy study examines the external dimension of the recently adopted New Pact reforms, specifically the Asylum Procedures Regulation (APR) and the Asylum and Migration Management Regulation (AMMR). The APR includes reformed provisions on safe country clauses that aim to facilitate returns. As for the AMMR, the reform includes a solidarity mechanism to support member states facing disproportionate responsibilities. Yet, the flexibility of this solidarity mechanism, combined with the overall systemic priority of limiting pressure on national reception systems, will likely translate into stronger incentives to use funding to contain irregular arrivals.

Read the full paper here.
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