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Equipping the European Union for the 21st century

European External Action Service (EEAS) / PUBLICATION
Rosa Balfour , Kristi Raik

Date: 17/01/2013
This paper has been prepared in the framework of the joint research project of the EPC and FIIA on “The European External Action Service and National Diplomacies”, co-directed by the two authors. The project examines the ways in which the member states adapt to the EEAS and vice versa, the positioning of the EEAS and national foreign services in EU foreign policy-making, and the restructuring of European diplomacy. It aims to offer key insights into understanding EU foreign policy capabilities, as well as its ability for renewal in a changing world.

The paper draws on case studies conducted as part of the project by researchers in 14 member states. It has benefitted greatly from insights and feedback by the research group and the steering committee of the project. The authors would like to thank the authors of the case studies: Cornelius Adebahr, Vít Beneš, Caterina Carta, Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira, Andrea Frontini, Grzegorz Gromadzki, Ruby Gropas, Sabina Lange, Jakob Lewander, Ignacio Molino, Sara Norrevik, Mark Rhinard, Fabien Terpan, George Tzogopoulos, Louise van Schaik and Alena Vysotskaya G. Vieira. They are also grateful to the members of the steering committee: Graham Avery, Poul-Skytte Christoffersen, Renaud Dehousse, Antonio Missiroli, Hanna Ojanen, Elfriede Regelsberger and Richard Whitman. Last but not least, they would like to thank their assistants, Andrea Frontini and Teemu Rantanen, for practical help as well as substantive contributions to the project.

The final report on the project, including the individual case studies, will be published in March 2013.

The project has been kindly supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Read the full paper here

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