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An EU Strategic R&I Agenda for the future of work

The concept of work has undergone significant transformation over the years, with technological advancements, globalisation, and changing socio-economic dynamics driving these changes. The acceleration of digital technologies and the outbreak of COVID-19 have further altered the traditional workplace, prompting a rethinking of what constitutes work and how it is carried out.

The EPC’s Social Europe and Well-being Programme will support the European Commission Directorate Generals for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) and for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (DG EMPL) in the preparation of a study on an EU Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the future of work, in agreement with the ERA4FutureWork policy agenda.

This project includes the organising of several thematic workshops on the future of work with stakeholders of the ERA4FutureWork initiative.

The aim of the project is to:
  • Promote and reinforce a more systematic dialogue between R&I, employment policymakers and social partners.
  • Identify and recommend best practices, gaps and future priorities for R&I investment in the future of work.



Future of work / REPORT
Research perspectives on the future of work
By Laura Rayner , Tommaso Grossi , Giulia Torchio , Xheimina Dervishi - 03/02/2025


Senior Policy Analyst

Social Europe, economic governance, wellbeing economy, Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Just Transition, demographic change, the future of work

Policy Analyst
Labour rights, inequality, the digital economy,  economic governance,  international politics,  social protection and the welfare state
Policy Analyst
EU digital policy, internet paradigms, artificial intelligence, transatlantic relations
Junior Policy Analyst
Social welfare, future of work, housing, energy poverty, inequality and social exclusion

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