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Policy Dialogue
Unpacking Turkish Foreign Policy: Türkiye’s Syria Policy

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Wednesday, 12 February 2025
 16:30 - 17:30


Dareen Khalifa
Senior Advisor, International Crisis Group
HE Ömer Önhon
Former Turkish Ambassador to Syria


Amanda Paul
Deputy Head of the Europe in the World Programme & Head of the EPC Global Türkiye Project, European Policy Centre

Few countries have as much to gain from a stable Syria as Türkiye or as much to lose if it implodes. This online Policy Dialogue will look at the current dynamics in the country almost two months after former President Basar Al-Assad fled the country to Russia. This dialogue will address key questions, such as what Türkiye’s agenda is for Syria? What sort of relationship does Ankara have with the new Syrian government?  What role can Türkiye play in stabilising Syria? How is Türkiye’s role in Syria seen by the Arab world? What are the opportunities and challenges for Türkiye-EU as well as Türkiye-US cooperation in Syria?
Participation is open to EPC members only, the media, and EU officials

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