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Policy Dialogue
Strengthening water resilience for wellbeing and industry – The role for EU policies and investment

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Thursday, 17 October 2024
 14:00 - 16:00

European Policy Centre

Rue du Trône 14-16, 1000 Brussels
EPC Conference Centre
3rd Floor



Paula Pinho
Deputy Director-General, Coordination of the Just and Green Energy Transition, DG ENER
Pierre Pauliac
Chief Operating Officer at SUEZ
Veronica Manfredi
Director, Zero Pollution, DG Environment, European Commission


Stefan Sipka
Head of the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe programme, European Policy Centre

The European Policy Centre is delighted to invite you to this Policy Dialogue organised with the support from SUEZ.
Life is inconceivable without water. Same is true for our economy; industry, agriculture and energy production run on water. Although plentiful, a useful amount is mostly limited to freshwater which varies in terms of its quality and availability and is facing significant climate and environmental pressures worldwide and in Europe. The cost of droughts in Europe has been around €100 billion over the last couple of decades. In the context of rising geopolitical tensions, ensuring that the EU has access to top quality water for its industrial and energy transformation (e.g. to produce batteries, chips and hydrogen) becomes increasingly important.
This Policy Dialogue will look at the state of play regarding water management, water-related environmental challenges, innovative cases and how EU policies can further contribute to water resilience in Europe. It will discuss the Water Resilience Initiative announced by the European Commission in the previous term and consider what could this initiative entail and how could it be achieved. 
Participation is open to EPC members, media, and EU officials

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