Some 25 years after its launch in 1993, the Single Market remains one of the EU’s greatest achievements. However, the Single Market is under-delivering in terms of growth, jobs and innovation. There is a widening gap between member states’ rhetoric on the need to unlock the full potential of the Single Market and remove barriers to trade, and their actual willingness to do so in practice. With new technologies, business models, digital disruption and growing global competition, the EU will have to close the gap in order to meet the growing challenges and be able to compete in an increasingly globalised market. The EU must capitalise on one of its greatest strengths – the Single Market – to remain at the forefront of economic development and innovation. This Policy Dialogue, which sought to address the main challenges and priorities in completing the Single Market, was organised with the support of the Ministry of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs of Denmark.
Speakers included: Malcolm Harbour, EPC Senior Adviser, Rasmus Jarlov, Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Denmark, Lowri Evans, Director-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission, Rudy De Leeuw, President, European Trade Union Confederation, Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, Digital Europe, Martynas Barysas, Director Internal Market Department, BusinessEurope, Martin Kristian Brauer, Partner, Højbjerre Brauer Schultz.
Photo credit: © John Thys Pool / AFP