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EPC Forthnightly Update

Friday, 30 October 2020


Fabian Zuleeg
Chief Executive, European Policy Centre
Janis Emmanouilidis
Director of Studies, European Policy Centre
Marie De Somer
Head of European Migration and Diversity programme, European Policy Centre


Jacki Davis
Meades Davis Communication

EPC Head of Progamme Marie De Somer, EPC Director of Studies Janis A. Emmanouilidis and EPC Chief Executive Fabian Zuleeg will cover a number of topics divided into two main parts. The first part will be devoted to three main issues: firstly, given the restart of negotiations between the EU and the UK, we will discuss the prospects for a deal and whether the restart of talks is a sign that the Union is ready to compromise and that London actually wants a deal, or  whether we will find ourselves again at an impasse in a couple of weeks facing the potential long-term consequences of a no-deal scenario. Secondly, following the videoconference of the European Council on 29 October, we will assess the outcome of the discussion among EU leaders on a more coordinated response to the pandemic, including efforts to reach an agreement on joint rules for quarantine regulations, testing strategies, cross-border contact tracing, or temporary travel restrictions. Thirdly, we will discuss the state of the ongoing inter-institutional negotiations on both the Multi-annual Financial Framework/Recovery Package and the new rule of law mechanism. 

The second part will deal with a number of key questions related to the European Commission’s proposal for a New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Which elements are really ‘new’ in the New Pact? Will the Commission’s proposals actually change things and will it be able to bridge earlier political divisions among the EU27? And what might happen if this new attempt to reach a compromise fails?


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