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Online event
Realising the ambition of the European Green Deal

Monday, 29 June 2020


Astrid Manroth
Finance Director, European Climate Foundation
Emma Navarro
Vice-President, European Investment Bank
Gunnar Muent
Deputy Director General, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank
Sirpa Pietikäinen
Member of the European Parliament
Yvon Slingenberg
Director of International, Mainstreaming and Policy Coordination, European Commission


Annika Hedberg
Head of the EPC Sustainable Prosperity for Europe programme

As the EU works through its recovery response to the coronavirus crisis, unprecedented amounts of public money are expected to be made available for member states, regions, different sectors and businesses. This is an opportunity to ensure that public funding is used to leverage private funding to realise the ambition of the green (and digital) transition. The EIB, as the EUs climate bank,can play an important role in these efforts. However, amidst the crisis, there is a serious risk that pressure to support existing sectors and practices will increase at the cost of the climate and the environment. Thus, it will also be a test for the EIBs plan to align financing activities with the principles and goals of the Paris agreement, increase the share of funding for climate action and environmental sustainability, and support a just transition. EIB Vice-President Emma Navarro stressed the importance of not forgetting the climate and environmental agenda even amid the challenges caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. The panelists discussed how the EU should use its resources and mobilise the necessary investments, with the support of the EIB, to build a fairer and more sustainable and resilient society and economy. The discussion also served as an occasion to identify key elements for the way forward in EIBs forthcoming Climate Bank Roadmap 2021-2025. 

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