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Policy Dialogue
Fostering access to quality services A shield against poverty

Wednesday, 19 February 2020


Chiara Crepaldi
Head of Unit, European Social Policies Research Unit, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale
Cindy Franssen
Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
François Vandamme
Vice-President, European Committee of Social Rights, Council of Europe
Katarina Ivanković-Knežević
Director for Social Affairs, DG Employment, European Commission
Madeleine Clarke
Executive Director, Genio
Maria Nyman
Secretary General, Caritas Europa
Walter Nanni
Studies Office, Caritas Italy


Erika Mezger
Senior Adviser, European Policy Centre

Universal access to high-quality social services is essential to guarantee a good quality of life in Europe. However, in some Member States, access to social services is unavailable to certain groups such as the homeless and undocumented people, or is inadequate for disadvantaged people. This Policy Dialogue aims to discuss how access to quality social services can help mitigate poverty and inequality, including how the EU and Member States can improve access for disadvantaged groups to social services and maximize their long-term impact on economic and social cohesion. The discussion, which will draw on the findings of a recent report by Caritas, will be moderated by EPC Senior Adviser Erika Mezger.

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